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Tanks parked outside of the Ministry of Defense building in Rostovhttps://t.co/CeFaiJaSop pic.twitter.com/8aKdEw1G5o
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Another video of the MoD building.
(Deleted my previous tweet as it's not confirmed who is operating all these tanks. Locals are pretty terrified of them, though)https://t.co/uTCqndIbW8 pic.twitter.com/D6bijCvGtr
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Another video from the street near the MoD building. Is that tank turret pointing where I think it is?https://t.co/cWBDOjPcwP pic.twitter.com/DgccEB3pEl
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Scenes from central Rostovhttps://t.co/IpLsPiGp3b pic.twitter.com/0S4mYchIfo
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Soldiers (Wagner?) at the Rostov's head Interior Ministry office, at 47.2191, 39.7027.https://t.co/LbCburKWLK pic.twitter.com/Bk3A5Z2hzB
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Same troops marching further down the street, northward. This is just a block north of the MVD office (at 47.2203, 39.7020)https://t.co/p4qoqHjrgS pic.twitter.com/onxpbMDjew
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Soldiers and tanks are both pointing at the MoD building in Rostov. Additional troops headed in this direction (see previous videos of soldiers going past the MVD office, south of the city center)https://t.co/dgXUaMF0nJ pic.twitter.com/76AWA1n7Yc
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Lots of milling about, waiting to see what's going to happen.https://t.co/DHiHOwbIhd pic.twitter.com/gE0Gbb7S5Q
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
I remember reading in school about how there would be crowds of civilians who'd recreationally watch battles in the 18th/19th century, and about how insane that sounded at the time.https://t.co/DHiHOwbIhd pic.twitter.com/lOCajk8u8c
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
A group of soldiers (presumably Wagnerovtsy) look like they're finally making their move towards the MoD building.https://t.co/VCIcZHeUL4 pic.twitter.com/HplkmqAl60
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
More pics out of Rostov pic.twitter.com/s7EkT9DRyZ
— geoloc8r (@qqMJePCjFreWwFj) June 24, 2023
Highest resolution photo I've seen so far of the men in Rostov. Note the duct tape bands.
(Deleted tweet because I said the arm bands were white — eyes aren't working great this late)https://t.co/pQ9KAriiLH pic.twitter.com/xJv6Mfxe66— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Aric Toler
国防省の建物にある戦車の 1 つには「シベリア」と書かれています。この男が以前に目撃されたことがあるかどうか、そしてその起源を追跡できるかどうかはわかりません。もし@askai707がまだ活動していれば、ここは彼の目の前にあったでしょう。
One of the tanks at the MoD buiding has "Siberia" written on it. Not sure if this guy has been seen before and if its origin can be traced. If @askai707 was still active, this would be right up his alley. https://t.co/MtpX0iQR3s pic.twitter.com/BnLJvhggKr
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Highest resolution photo I've seen so far of the men in Rostov. Note the duct tape bands.
(Deleted tweet because I said the arm bands were white — eyes aren't working great this late)https://t.co/pQ9KAriiLH pic.twitter.com/xJv6Mfxe66— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 24, 2023
Russian Chris Kyle up here about to make a last stand pic.twitter.com/x8Fl7HvBdr
— VTStoic (@VtStoic) June 24, 2023
<ロシア内乱> 民間軍事会社「ワグネル」、ロシア軍南部軍管区司令部を占領したと発表 =ネットの反応「え?ワグネルが雪だるま式に大きくなりながらモスクワに迫ってるってこと?」「もう西側諸国はワグネルに軍事支援すれば?w」 https://t.co/mCRCjS9djL
— アノニマス ポスト NEWS|時事ニュースYouTube動画とネットの反応 (@ano_Tube) June 24, 2023