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Blake Hall@Blake_Hall
I was the Sniper Employment Officer for my battalion and led hundreds of combat missions. There were major security lapses in the security plan that allowed a shooter to engage President Trump from ~130 meters – an easy shot. A 🧵 pic.twitter.com/eim0DzMRw6
— Blake Hall (@Blake_Hall) July 14, 2024
Blake Hall@Blake_Hall
炊き出しをしていた男が、警官隊より先に銃撃犯を見つけるなんて、どうしてできるんだ?!? 遠くの屋上は明らかに射撃位置だ。そこを確保するために地元警察を派遣すべきだった。さらに、ドローンで監視すべきだった。
How can the dude at a cookout spot the shooter before the detail?!? The far rooftop is an obvious firing position. Local police should have been deployed to secure it. Additionally, drones should have been monitoring. pic.twitter.com/Klx510xgnW
— Blake Hall (@Blake_Hall) July 14, 2024
Blake Hall@Blake_Hall
狙撃チームが屋上で脅威をスキャンしている。しかし、そのチームはロングガンしか持っていない。一般的には、より速く交戦できるアサルトライフルを備えた警備部隊を配置する必要があります。特に 300 メートル以内であればなおさらです。彼らの交戦速度は十分ではありませんでした。
There is a sniper team scanning the rooftop for threats. But, the team only has long guns. You generally want a security element co-located with assault rifles that can engage much faster – especially within 300 meters. They couldn’t engage fast enough. pic.twitter.com/fGZnuoQT0D
— Blake Hall (@Blake_Hall) July 14, 2024
Blake Hall@Blake_Hall
They neutralized the target. But not before he wounded President Trump, killed an innocent civilian, and seriously wounded two more. Good shooting. But gross failures in the plan meant they were too slow to detect the threat. Mission failure. pic.twitter.com/3CMDGNzfhj
— Blake Hall (@Blake_Hall) July 14, 2024